Author Archives: Olivia McMurrey

Council staff participate in labor roundtable with vice president, DOL secretary

Two SSMRC staff members were among a small group of union leaders who met with the U.S. vice president and labor secretary in Durham, North Carolina, on March 2, sharing concerns about unfair competition from law-breaking contractors and about the need for government policies that support contractors who hire skilled workers and provide good wages and benefits.

We’re working to level the playing field for law-abiding contractors

The political arms of the Southern States Millwrights and our parent organization, the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, are working to stop illegal labor practices that give unscrupulous contractors and facility owners an unfair advantage when competing against law-abiding companies. These illegal labor practices include worker misclassification, tax fraud, workers’ compensation fraud, and more. One issue […]

Web-based platform streamlines labor communications during outage seasons

“Our intent is to have one point of contact for owners, employers, and millwrights to address and resolve problems or concerns and streamline the process of getting proper manpower for outages during peak times of need.” –Wayne Jennings, SSMRC Executive Secretary-Treasurer Those were the comments in June 2016 announcing the opening of the Southern States […]

We’re dedicated to teamwork and advocating for our business partners

Our commitment is to provide an elite workforce committed to safety, productivity, professionalism, and training regardless of what industry we are working in. Our standardized training ensures that all SSMRC millwrights possess the same skill sets for all industries serviced across our footprint. As partners with the contractors who employ our members and the owners […]

We’re providing business-development opportunities, not just skilled labor

Good day, industry partners. As regional manager covering the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida, I would like to report on the business-development resources available to you as well as some examples of successful campaigns. Three years ago, the SSMRC leadership team put in place the regional directors’ positions. These positions allow the directors the time and […]

Help us build an accelerated pipeline of skilled labor to meet today’s needs

The pandemic has caused accelerated attrition rates for experience and talent across a variety of industries. Whether due to safety restrictions, health risks, or simply workers discovering they can make do with less, we are facing a serious shortage of labor far ahead of the time we expected. The education system in this country has been slow […]