Good day brothers and sisters of the SSMRC Eastern District. I would like to provide you with a work update for the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida.
The first item is that work seems to be slowing and we are getting more people on the out-of-work list. There are a few projects that are popping up here and there. We do have some very large projects that will be coming later this year and into 2023.
For Local 1263, we will be working on a new UPS distribution center and the Toyota battery plant in North Carolina. South Carolina will see the Plutonium Pit project at Savannah River Site begin to hire in the 3rd quarter. This project will be comparable to the MOX project and will be at the same facility repurposing the building.
Georgia has had two major automotive plant announcements with Rivian in Commerce between Atlanta and Augusta, and Hyundai motors in Ellabell just outside of Savannah. We have been communicating with contractors to see who is bidding on the work and trying to get an estimate of millwrights needed.
Local 2411 is maintaining their usual papermill outages. Local 1000 could potentially gain more airport conveyor work as well as an upcoming corrugator rebuild for a new to us facility in Hialeah, Fla.
I would also like to take a moment and ask everyone to be a recruiter for your local. I have participated in a lot of conversations with employers and facility owners where the concern is skilled labor shortages.
Everyone knows a hard-working person with a great attitude that needs an opportunity such as the one our great unions provide. Please take ownership of growing your local and mentor these individuals. Guide them to our door. We will need all hands-on deck later this year and especially next year. It is a simple concept that if our unions have the skilled labor available, we will get the work.
Please take this time during the summer to renew your certifications and brush up on some skills in your local training center. The time that you spend in your training centers are an investment in your career. The more qualifications and certifications that you have makes you the first one hired and the last one let go. There is a return on your investment.
I hope everyone had a safe and prosperous spring and we look forward to much more in the near future.