An open house for elected officials, contractors, and community and economic-development organizations was held Aug. 26 at the new millwright and carpenter training center in Charlotte, North Carolina.
SSMRC Eastern Region Director Logan Brown helped host nearly 20 visitors, including U.S. congresswomen Virginia Foxx and Deborah Ross, who toured the facility, observed hands-on training, spoke with apprentices, and learned about issues including: tax fraud through misclassification of workers; the need to tie Project Labor Agreements or apprenticeship language to funds allocated by the infrastructure-spending bill currently in Congress; and efforts to return skilled-trades training to high schools through the UBC’s Career Connections program.

From left: Brett Hulme, political and communications director for the Southeastern Carpenters Regional Council, Thomas Jenkins, executive secretary treasurer of the SECRC, U.S. Congresswoman Deborah Ross, and Logan Brown, Eastern Region director for the Southern States Millwright Regional Council

First-period Local 1263 millwright apprentice Jerry Revalee takes a break from a welding class to talk with U.S. Congresswoman Virginia Foxx.

From left: Logan Brown, Eastern Region director for the Southern States Millwright Regional Council; Brett Hulme, political and communications director for the Southeastern Carpenters Regional Council; U.S. Congresswoman Virginia Foxx; and Thomas Jenkins, executive secretary treasurer of the SECRC