Brothers and Sisters of the SSMRC,
I’d like to talk about a few things that should be important to us all as union members and professional craftspeople, the standards we should expect and hold ourselves to.
The SSMRC’s motto is “Safe, Productive, Professional”. Safety is always first in everything that we do, and we should not only adhere to that standard, but we should educate others on our jobs and speak out when there are issues that need to be addressed. No millwright wants to be injured on a job and no employer wants someone on their job to be hurt. As union members you should not fear retaliation from pointing out safety concerns or taking the time to ensure the task is safe for everyone involved. We expect that from every member. From the brand-new apprentice to the seasoned journeyperson. You will always have the support of SSMRC representatives and leadership if there are ever safety issues.
Productivity and professionalism come in as a close second to safety. Every member of this great organization should be proud to be representing the millwright craft in the field and our work should always reflect the expectations of quality that our reputation as union millwrights demands. Our integrity and work ethic should always make us stand out from our competition because, as SSMRC millwrights we are the best of the best. Again, I would call on you my fellow SSMRC brothers and sisters to not only hold yourself to the highest standards but to hold all our members accountable and to speak up when things aren’t right or reach out a helping hand when needed.
“The standard you walk past is the standard you accept” – Lieutenant General Lindsay Morrison
Our organization was founded on helping fellow workers achieve a higher standard of living, a better work environment, and the highest quality of craftsmanship. We can only continue to do this if we all pull in the same direction to maintain the standards that have supported us for hundreds of years. We have to be in this together because this is how we grow and continue to improve the wages and conditions in our contracts. This is how we make a better life for ourselves and our families.
James Rowland