Local 1554 has welcomed a familiar face as the newest business agent for Local 1554 out of Nashville.
In January, Jesse Beilig assumed the business agent role covering middle and West Tennessee, replacing former Local 1554 business agent, Steve Williams, who has since taken a position as the Nuclear Representative for the SSMRC.
Beilig has been member of Local 1554 for 8 years and spent the beginning of his career gaining experience in the automotive industry, as well as in the power generation field. He is also passionate about training and education and teaches at the International Training Center in Las Vegas.
“Early on I could see the benefits of getting involved in the local and took full advantage of the training the UBC has to offer,” said Beilig. “Through hard work and training, I was given the opportunity to work for one of our larger signatory contractors. While working in an office support role, I gained experience in project management, cost tracking and bidding projects, as well as managing manpower across the country.”
The combination of field experience, as well as administrative insight, gives him a firm grip on the workings and needs of the industry, that will help him best serve Local 1554 and help it flourish.
Beilig is passionate and excited to be serving the union in a staff role because of the life changing impact the brotherhood has had on him and his family. He wants to help others build a lifelong, debt free career that will be life changing for them and their family, while sharing the benefits of what the brotherhood has to offer.