The outlook for work in the Eastern Region in 2023 is very promising. We are seeing a variety of opportunities that will be kicking off early next year. Our outage schedule is going to be one of the busiest we have ever seen.
We have a variety of work options beginning at the first of the year. We are going to begin demo work at the old Mox facility to prepare for the new plutionum pit project. We have opportunities in the pharmaceutical, bulk mail conveyor systems, food and beverage industry systems, automotive all beginning after the first of the year. These jobs will be run through our OOW list on MIX first, and then our website to assist in manning the projects.
If you are a member of Local 1000, 1263, or 2411, we will have plenty of work to do in our area. Members in these locals have done a great job on past projects and have instilled confidence in our partnering contractors to bid more work opportunities. We ask that for this upcoming year our members stay in our district area and fill the available opportunities. If we do not show up to the calls that come in, someone else will.
I hope everyone is able to spend a little time with your families and enjoy the Christmas season. From my family to yours thank you for all that you do to advance our brotherhood.
For more information about working opportunities, members are encouraged to reach out to business agents in their area.
Local 1263: Robert Strickland (770)-795-1263 or Charles Smith (704)-286-1263
Local 1000: Cliff Tucker at (813)-626-1119
Local 2411: Robert Jeffers at (904)-303-2691