Fall outage work is looking to be very busy for our members across the Central Region.
New members in the Central Region are needed as more working opportunities present themselves.
Millwrights are in high demand across our eleven-state footprint as we have a tremendous amount of work. If you know someone who is mechanically inclined, put them in contact with a local business agent or have them fill out a new member application on the SSMRC website.
Please reach out to your business agent and put yourself on the out-of-work list if you are available for work. If you are traveling outside of your home local jurisdiction for work, check in with the local that has jurisdiction where you are procuring employment.
Please take advantage of all opportunities to enhance your skill sets through the training department.
The Central Region is working with the following contractors at the facilities listed below.
Alabama / Mississippi / FL Panhandle
Currently, the CR Meyer fall project at Packaging Corporation in Jackson, AL is coming to an end. This project was a huge success.
Plant Gaston in Wilsonville, AL has a couple of fall projects ramping up.
Atlantic Plant Maintenance has started its 65 day project that is employing roughly 25 millwrights.
Day & Zimmerman is gearing up to hire in on October 26th and 27th and will need approximately 16 millwrights on dayshift and 8 on nightshift.
Toyota Engine Plant in Madison, AL has a project expected to kick off in November and will need approximately 30 millwrights for 3 months.
Atlantic Plant Maintenance has a project kicking off at Chevron Co-gen this month that will last approximately 30 days and will need 16 millwrights working days and nights.
For more information, contact Clint Smith (205)-836-6734 or Lessie Roberts (251)-479-1415
H&H Brown has a project in Local 1554 starting at Kordsa Chemical Plant that will last 30 days and need 21 millwrights.
TVA Allen and Lagoon Creek will have outages that will need roughly 40 or more millwrights to begin at the end of October.
Superior Electric has full-time positions at Bridgestone, Lavergne.
Work in Stanton, TN. for Ford’s Blue Oval looks to start during the first quarter of 2023, which should eventually employ up to 700 millwrights.
Bridgestone in Warren, TN has a capital new construction project to begin in the first quarter of 2023, as well.
For more information, contact Steve Williams (615)-874-8591 or William Condon (423)-485-3466.