With low pressure and generator issues, the spring outage at Waterford should be finishing up mid-June. As is typical with the power demands at a peak for summer, all nuclear plants are online providing the much-needed electricity.
In discussion with our partnering contractors, we will have an average fall outage season. I hesitate to state any facts before having the information at hand.
I mentioned in March that I will be utilizing the Mix 20/20 system. Our team and the Mix 20/20 team are working closely to be ready for the fall outage season. It should be a smooth transition with little changing from the normal for the upcoming season.
We are modifying Mix to have a separated out-of-work list for nuclear millwrights. The list should be easy to access and understand as it will not deviate much from the regular Mix list for general millwright work. Please keep an eye on your email for specifics