Local 1192’s work at the Mazda Toyota Manufacturing plant under construction in Huntsville, Alabama, is going well after kicking off this spring. The project is expected to provide work for millwrights throughout 2021 and beyond, said Clint Smith, Local 1192 business agent. “Overall, it’s going really well,” Smith said. This article about the project was written earlier this year, and here are updates on work progress:
- Local 1192 has partnered with 13 contractors so far at Mazda Toyota Manufacturing.
- Between 430 and 470 millwrights have worked at the site.
- The local has filled all calls from contractors.
- There have been no lost-time accidents.
- Conveyor work in the paint shop, which is shared by Mazda and Toyota, is 75% complete.
- The conveyor system in the Toyota assembly building is 60% complete.
- All robots have been installed in the Toyota body weld portion of the plant.
- Millwrights are beginning robot installation in the Mazda body weld area.