If you or someone you know is an SSMRC member who does community-volunteer work, please send us a text at 855-577-7672. We would like to highlight the causes members contribute to, and we are using our Community Service Challenge Program to do that. Those recognized through the program receive a lunch cooler, T-shirt, and gift card.
Below is an example of a volunteer project you could tell us about.

Dwight Murrah, an SSMRC business agent and former Community Service Challenge Award winner, is part of a Jeep-enthusiasts group that recently rounded up and delivered pet supplies to two animal shelters: Canyon Lake Animal Shelter and New Braunfels Humane Society, both in Texas.
The group contacted suburban neighborhood home-owner associations to request donations and let homeowners know pick-up dates, times, and locations. Then group members used their Jeeps and trailers to pick up the supplies, take them to a central storage location until all the donations had been collected, and finally deliver the supplies to the two shelters. While they were there, volunteers took dogs on walks outside.
Murrah assisted with delivering and offloading the supplies and walking some of the dogs.