We are now into the last of the report dates for the Spring 2022 season. With 12 outages, manpower requests totaling close to 800, and work opportunities not only in the SSMRC jurisdiction but nationwide, we struggled to keep up.
Apprentice ratios, “new to nuclear”, and members from outside of our jurisdiction numbers were above average driven by the availability of manpower. On a positive note, members assigned two and three outages were above average as well.
To all of those mentioned and to everyone from the members to our partnering contractors, the SSMRC nuclear office appreciates your dedication, efforts, and patience during one of the busiest season in recent years.
In the Fall 2022 season, this office will utilize the Mix 20/20 system. Everyone should be familiar with the system as it is used council wide. Over the summer we will be working closely with the Mix 20/20 team to develop a “nuclear available for work list.”
Prior to the season, all current nuclear millwrights will be integrated into the Mix 20/20 and a notification with instruction will be sent out. No one should be concerned about the change.
A special thanks for those who worked the Vogtle outage with Atlantic Plant Maintenance. As mentioned above, the SSMRC struggled to meet the manpower request on some of our outages. Vogtle was one. With a shortage of manpower, a high ratio of apprentices and new to nuclear, and a nervous management team and customer, the outage stayed on schedule and finished on time. Thank you for your dedication and hard work.
Again, the SSMRC in conjunction with our UBC millwright brothers and sisters took on the challenge with success, proving once again the SSMRC’s dedication to our craft, our union, our partnering contractor and the end result was a satisfied customer.
A special thanks to Lead APM Supervisor Gregg Gibbs and his team for their leadership, professionalism, and patience. A big part of the success!