Our commitment is to provide an elite workforce committed to safety, productivity, professionalism, and training regardless of what industry we are working in. Our standardized training ensures that all SSMRC millwrights possess the same skill sets for all industries serviced across our footprint.
As partners with the contractors who employ our members and the owners of the facilities where our members work, we collaborate through labor-management meetings to discuss lessons learned from past experiences, cutting-edge technologies, and upcoming training, including site-specific training that might be owner-required.
We are dedicated to advocating for and promoting our members and partnering contractors. We often do this through social-media platforms and publication advertisements. We also advocate for our business partners and bring to light issues they face through participation in industry groups and events and membership in various manufacturers’ associations and chambers of commerce.
In addition, we identify upcoming projects and let our business partners know about bidding opportunities for those projects. We identify these opportunities as much as two years in advance and provide the information to our partnering contractors filtered by the months when projects will come up for bid and complete with contact information for project and plant owners.
Collaborative partnerships are essential for growth. Together we maintain focus on safety, productivity, and training while delivering a safe, professional, and productive workforce.
Thank you for all you do!